Chyberart - CorelDRAW 9 v9.337 - Portable is a vector-based image processing
application that is widely used by PC users. Because of the ease and
advantages possessed by coreldraw, coreldraw then often used for
desktop publishing, printing, and other fields that require visual
CorelDRAW 9 v9.337 merupakan salah satu aplikasi pengolah gambar
berbasis vector yang banyak dipakai oleh pengguna PC. Karena berbagai
kemudahan dan keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh coreldraw, maka coreldraw
sering dimanfaatkan untuk desktop publishing, percetakan, dan bidang
lain yang memerlukan pemrosesan visual.
Keunggulan mengolah gambar berbasis vektor adalah ukuran hasil akhir
yang dapat ditekan seminimal mungkin namun dengan kualitas yang tidak
kalah dengan gambar berbasis raster atau bitmap. Karena itulah desain
grafis dan olah gambar berbasis vektor sangat banyak digunakan untuk
desktop publishing, percetakan, dan bidang lain yang memerlukan
pemrosesan visual.
Actually there are a lot of graphic design software and vector-based
image processing that we can use, for example including the Coreldraw,
Photoshop, Freehand, Adobe Illustrator etc.. However CorelDraw is the
most popular programs are often utilized. In addition because it looks
user friendly and easy to learn, coreldraw also has many advantages -
Another very useful advantage.
Several advantages, among others, coreldraw coreldraw very good in text
and image collaboration. Although Photoshop can also be yet more easily
with CorelDraw. Besides the advantages possessed by a rare coreldraw
graphic design applications and other image processing is to support
community forums and CorelDraw are so many and varied, so that we can
easily find tutorials, tips, and can share knowledge with other
CorelDraw users around the world.
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